Saturday, February 24, 2007

Yestarday, all batxillerat came to BCN...
We left at 11:30... two hours in the bus! After, we went to eat at "Fesc Co", where there was all hight school!
At the afternoon, we went to an exposure of photos, about Centelles (photographer during civilian war in Catalonia)... never I felt both French!
One hour this exposure, we went to TNC to see "Don Gil de las calzas verdes" ... not bad, but grandfather nearest me was almost sleeping... what the meaning?!?!?
Excluding this activity "interesting", smiling was the dictation of the day... For example, Carla was only with one spike heel... other broke during the exposure of photos... all classmater, and also teacher, were laughing!!! ¡¡¡carnival day=smiling day!!!


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hello 'book... Yesterday, it was very funny... we did "tdr presentation"... So, yet finish... Good news!!!
Now, all change .. we are more time to disfrute the life---
now, I'm in the english class corner... it's very diferent like years before becasue ours results depen ours works... so, it's more busy. The class is silencious, nobody speak... that's very strange!!!
Tomorrow, goegraphy exam.... hihihi!!!